the team

Izaac Rains

  • Co-Founder/Visionary, Dappled Light

    A husband and home zoo operator.

    Entrepreneur, artist, obsessive-podcast-listener, never satiated adventurer, and nature lover.

Michael Mattingly

  • Property Manager, Dappled Light

    A nerd on a foothill.

    “Living my best life on 50 acres of bliss with a beautiful woman and three pets”.

    Big fan of movies, music, art, craft beer, and D&D.

zoe Rains

  • Integrator, Rains Family Enterprises

    Girl mom of two strong girls. I love fitness, working with family, adventuring with the girls, cooking/baking, and hosting people.

kevin Rains

  • Co-Founder, Dappled Light

    A husband and the father of three and grandfather. Former bodyshop owner, entrepreneur, marketer, off-road rider, and fisherman.

mike rader

  • Owner, Dappled Light

    Husband, father, lover of all things RRG and Natural Bridge.

    I love snow skiing, backpacking, kayaking, bike rides with family, and travel.